Wednesday 6 August 2008

I ♥ Narnia

I was in Woolworths the other day looking at DVDs when amongst them on the shelf I found this postcard. I have no idea where it came from or why it was there but I pocketed it. I have a knack for not paying for things lately, like when I went to the cocktail bar in Caernarfon and walked away with three cocktails without paying. Fucking klepto.


Sarah Jane said...

"fucking klepto"???? what are you turning into miss parry? A YOB. That's what! Hahaha. Oh, and how do you get a heart in your title? I can only do <3. which is shit.

gingerkid said...

i googled 'i heart huckabees' and i copied and pasted the little heart!
yeah, i'm a klepto. if you want something, i'll 'get' it for you..

Sarah Jane said...

haha you even steal logos!

Lisa said...

Keep up the good work Ms Sykes! It makes me stomach ache with laffage

gingerkid said...

i really did walk away without paying for those cocktails you know! it was amazing! the guy had no clue what he was doing and i made sure we drank them really quickly in case we got kicked out hehe!