Sunday, 17 August 2008

Felt Pens Rock My World

I was on a bit of a creative streak last night and was actually drawing something. My fingers are all covered in felt pen marks now though. Multi-coloured fingers!
Here is a picture of my patronus. He helps me scare the dementors away.

I like flamingos, especially plastic ones. I have a little bit of a fascination with croquet as well and I'd love to have a croquet court in the back garden.

Madonna used to be cool until she got all veiny and old.


Lisa said...

I love these to bits, especially Madonna. Yeah she did used to be cool!

It's a crime that you're not doing Illustration too... We'll all have to start some kind of bizniz when we leave uni...

gingerkid said...

haha, a bizniz fo shiz!

Sarah Jane said...

i like your dinosaur