I bought this book called 'Geeky Dreamboats: A Celebration' the other day. I swear, this book was made for me. The title alone; I love geeks and I use the word dreamboat!
Inside is even better. 57 lovely dreamboats (yes, I counted) to look at with facts about them on the side. There are a few people that should have been included that aren't in there though such as Seth Green and Zach Quinto but maybe they can be in Geeky Dreamboats Part II.
I've scanned in my top 10 dreamboats from the book but there are other great ones as well...Beck, Wes Anderson, McLovin, Rivers Cuomo, Barack Obama, Kanye West, Topher Grace, Jake Gyllenhaal, Simon Pegg...trust me, it's good.
So here are my Top 10, yes Jemaine and Bret are allowed to be counted as one cause how can you resist a man/man/lady threesome with promise of acid?