Saturday, 12 December 2009


Another brief I had this term was to do an article for the our course magazine that will get published at the end of the year. The theme of it is 'then and now' and I decided to do an illustrated history of Penguin book covers. Here are the images I made not in the article format (seriously, I wouldn't want to bore you with that)...









Monday, 7 December 2009

Inspire Me

This is the first brief to be finished this term. We were asked to create a poster for future DMU graphic design students that would be inspiring to them. It had to be about graphic design and personal to you. I find is useful to collect images and things by other people for inspiration so I thought I'd create a sketchbook filled with inspiring things. Even huge things so it's just over the top mental.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Friday, 23 October 2009

Obsession: Beards

Hannah has an obsession with beards which I thought was rather ace so I drew some different beard styles. Can you believe that first face is Joaquin Phoenix haha. Beardy weirdy.

Obsession: Star Wars

Ben's obsessed with Star Wars so I took a few pictures as research.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Obsession: Tigers

I got started on my obsession fanzine and it's going great. I photographed Sarah with her tiger collection. Here's a few examples:

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

A weekend with Ben involves...

... typewriting:


...sega mega drive:

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


A friend showed me this programme called Poladroid which enables you to drag your own photos into it and make them look like polaroids. It's pretty ace and you can watch your photos develop. Here are some I've made:

Thursday, 3 September 2009


Last night was the YCN A Awards in Village Underground, Shoreditch...London. I got an invite cause my work was featured as part of a competition and Ben and Lindsay came with me. The work itself is in my blog but a few months behind. We got there and there was a big white A on the side of the building. Got to the door and I was on a bloomin guest list haha.
Inside was a welcoming installation by Jiggery Pokery and the place was completely like I hadn't expected. I thought everyone's work would've been up on the walls but the work was being shown on a big screen in the middle of the room and my work popped up about every 15 minutes. A bit weird really but cool nonetheless.
We got plenty of free drinks and got to paint as well. There wasn't too much to do, there was a cool installation of sellotape but can't remember who made it. We sat amongst it and chatted and cheered everytime my work came on screen. It was a really good night and my award will be arriving through the post which is well enough really cause I probably would've left it on the tube.
Here are some pictures:

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Treasured Tat

I found a few images on my computer that I'd completely forgotten about. A couple of months ago I took photos of some of my favourite objects that I own. Here are some I'd like to share:

Okay, so 4 of those objects are ZQ related and 3 of them are from Lisa! I know they're tat but I love them so.

Saturday, 15 August 2009


The invitations for YCN's A Exhibition arrived today. It's on the 2nd September in London and Ben and I are going to go. It's got installations by different illustrators and award presentations, should be fun! It's invites only but the website said that if you email them then maybe there'll be some spare ones left if anyone wants to go :)

Wednesday, 12 August 2009