Last night was the YCN A Awards in Village Underground, Shoreditch...London. I got an invite cause my work was featured as part of a competition and Ben and Lindsay came with me. The work itself is in my blog but a few months behind. We got there and there was a big white A on the side of the building. Got to the door and I was on a bloomin guest list haha.
Inside was a welcoming installation by Jiggery Pokery and the place was completely like I hadn't expected. I thought everyone's work would've been up on the walls but the work was being shown on a big screen in the middle of the room and my work popped up about every 15 minutes. A bit weird really but cool nonetheless.
We got plenty of free drinks and got to paint as well. There wasn't too much to do, there was a cool installation of sellotape but can't remember who made it. We sat amongst it and chatted and cheered everytime my work came on screen. It was a really good night and my award will be arriving through the post which is well enough really cause I probably would've left it on the tube.
Here are some pictures: